What cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy?

article_body/publish_date 2023-01-21

Pregnancy is a special state in which the female body strongly reacts to various external stimuli. Chemicals and other organic or inorganic ingredients contained in cosmetic products can be dangerous for mother and child. What cosmetics to avoid during pregnancy ? Is there a list of cosmetics banned during pregnancy ? Let's find out the answers.

Cosmetics during pregnancy - the choice matters!

Substances contained in cosmetics that we use on a daily basis penetrate the body through the skin, mucous membranes or hair bulbs. During pregnancy, chemical compounds also reach the fetus, and their effects can be positive, negative or neutral. It is not without reason that gynecologists advise future mothers not to use certain cosmetic products. Chemicals can cause inflammation, allergies and even cancer in pregnant women. Some substances banned during pregnancy cause miscarriages and fetal diseases, mainly affecting the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Improperly used preparations, shampoos or oils are harmful to both pregnant women and children. Therefore, it is worth consulting with your doctor which cosmetics cannot be used during pregnancy and which products are allowed.

Ingredients of cosmetics prohibited during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body changes a lot. The skin becomes sensitive and the body becomes sore and heavy under the influence of rapid hormonal changes. How to protect yourself and your child - what ingredients should be avoided in cosmetics during pregnancy ? The list of the most undesirable substances that pregnant women should not use include:

  • retinol - vitamin A (its excess contributes to the formation of birth defects in the child),
  • ammonia (may cause allergies, digestive system disorders),
  • ethanol (dries the skin, may contribute to fetal defects),
  • formalhedide (causes poisoning, allergic reactions, cancers),
  • caffeine (negatively affects the cardiovascular system, causes an increase in blood pressure, can cause miscarriage).

What other ingredients in cosmetics are prohibited during pregnancy ? It is worth paying attention to the acids contained in cosmetics. For example, benzoic acid and its derivative salicylic acid have an irritating effect. You should also be careful with natural acids, such as citric or lactic acid, which, when used in excess, can cause unpleasant ailments.

Banned cosmetic substances: what does the law say?

There are various cosmetic ingredients that are banned during pregnancy . There is also a list of harmful substances that should not be included in any cosmetics authorized in the European Union. What ingredients are we talking about? Their list is available in Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 (Annex II) and includes over 1,300 chemical substances. These include: nickel, benzene, butyl glycidyl ether, petroleum derivatives, cadmium and ethylene oxide.

Cosmetics during pregnancy: what to avoid?

The labels of cosmetic preparations that we use every day are full of foreign-sounding names of chemicals. So how to make the right consumer choices and which cosmetics are prohibited during pregnancy ? Potentially dangerous for pregnant women may include:

  • hair dyes,
  • self tanners,
  • retinol creams,
  • preparations for intimate hygiene,
  • toothpastes.

Always pay attention to the information on the packaging - whether the product can be used by pregnant women. Graphic markings are another valuable clue which cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Oils forbidden during pregnancy

Skin care cosmetics often contain oils and organic oils. Although these are natural substances, they can adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman. What cosmetics should be avoided during pregnancy ? These include oils:

  • castor (laxative, can lead to miscarriage),
  • camphor, from camphor cinnamon (irritates the skin and nervous system),
  • oregano (may trigger premature labour).

Peppermint, eucalyptus and rosemary oils are also not recommended (during pregnancy, high concentrations of essential compounds have a negative effect on the mother and child). Herbal treatments and aromatherapy cosmetics are very popular these days. However, before choosing them, consult your doctor. The specialist will tell you which oils can be used and indicate cosmetics that cannot be used during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

What cosmetics to use during pregnancy?

The cosmetics market has a lot to offer future mothers who want to take care of their bodies. High-quality cosmetics for the care of sensitive, female skin are available in drugstores. These are creams, soaps and gels containing delicate emollients, surfactants, panthenol or glycerin. Their packaging contains information about obtained approvals and use during pregnancy.

An extensive knowledge base on cosmetics, allowed and not allowed for pregnant women, are also applications such as Kosmopedia and websites such as E-positiveOpinia.pl, run by the Institute of Mother and Child. High-quality cosmetics also have appropriate eco-labels, for example: Eco Cert and Vegan.

Are you looking for more information on cosmetics for women and children? We invite you to read the other entries on our blog.