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Types and use of extinguishing agents depending on the fire group

article_body/publish_date 2022-01-04

Fire is a huge threat not only to the property of the company, but above all to the life and health of employees. Especially when working with flammable materials such as wood or chemicals, there is a risk of starting a flame even if the necessary precautions are taken.

Learn about the use of extinguishing agents so that you can quickly and effectively stave off the danger!

Types and groups of fires

Specialists in the field of health and safety and fire protection distinguish several types of fires, taking into account various types of criteria. The main division concerns the type of material that has ignited.

According to the Regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 7 June 2010 on fire protection of buildings, other structures and areas, there are 5 subtypes of fire:

  • A - applies to solids (e.g. wood or paper). The degree of risk of a class A fire depends on whether the material releases vapors and whether it is in free contact with the oxygen that fuels the combustion process. The more fragmented the burning material is, the more difficult it is to extinguish it.
  • B – this code is used to describe a fire involving liquid or melting substances (e.g. alcohol, petrol). The main hazard in this case is the movement of the combustible cloud in space by air movement. As a result, a very rapid spread of the threat may occur, as well as a combination of several types of fire.
  • C – category used to define fires of combustible gases (e.g. helium). They are extremely dangerous, because only minimal access of oxygen to the ignition source is enough to ignite a violent fire or even an explosion.
  • D - defines the fire of light metals (e.g. potassium, aluminum). Such fires are very difficult to put out, and many substances in this category burn without access to oxygen.
  • F - applies to fires of fats and oils in kitchen appliances. The danger of extinguishing very high temperature products is the significant risk of splashing and re-ignition even after extinguishing them.

In practice, fires are also divided by size (from small to very large) and by their location (internal, external, block, spatial, hidden and others).

Accurate determination of the hazard is essential in order to take appropriate countermeasures and apply extinguishing agents appropriate to the hazard.

Types and application of extinguishing agents in practice

Extinguishing agents are divided into three main groups:

  • water;
  • extinguishing powders;
  • extinguishing gases.

How do the specifics work?


Water can be in the form of mist, foam or wetting solutions. Its operation consists in lowering the temperature of the fire and its gradual extinction. The high pressure also allows the jet to penetrate into the material and quench the source of the flame.

In addition, the evaporating water reduces the supply of oxygen contained in the air and accelerates the extinguishing process. An example of an aqueous agent is the foaming Roteor M Premium .

All forms of water extinguishing agents are perfect not only for extinguishing a fire, but also for cooling objects gathered around. In this way, the spread of the flame is limited.

The main disadvantage of water is its low efficiency. Large amounts of it are needed to put out a fire.

Extinguishing powders

Extinguishing powders include substances ABC, BC and D. They work effectively, quickly extinguishing the fire. They can also be easily sprayed over a large area.

They combine chemical (through the appropriate selection of active substances) and physical (by limiting the access of oxygen and entering small gaps and cracks) effects.

However, the use of powder extinguishing agents poses a significant threat to the environment and the health of people involved in the action. They are also quite expensive.

Extinguishing gases

The most commonly used extinguishing gases are nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Their task is to dilute the concentration of oxygen in the air, as a result of which the combustion processes are stopped.

Unlike powders, gases do not destroy the extinguished materials. They are resistant to low temperatures and the passage of time, so they can be stored in airtight containers for a long time. They also exhibit universal operation and do not conduct electricity.

Unfortunately, gases are not suitable for use in small rooms due to the reduction in oxygen concentration. Using them is also not very convenient, because they are usually stored in heavy metal cylinders.

Why do fire groups and extinguishing agents have to be properly selected?

Although fire services often have only seconds to make a decision, groups of fires and means of extinguishing them must be matched.

Not every specific product will work for every type of threat. Incorrectly selected fire protection agent will at best prove ineffective, at worst - it may lead to an increase in the range or intensity of the flame. How to match groups of fires to the use of extinguishing agents ?

Type A fires are relatively easy to put out. In their case, extinguishing powders, foam or water will work. The same can be said for class B fires.

In case of fire C, it is recommended to use extinguishing powders, foaming agents and halons.

Light metal fires (type D) are very difficult to extinguish. For this reason, only specially selected extinguishing agents should be used for them.

Finally, grease fires (type F) should be extinguished with foaming agents or gases (especially carbon dioxide) due to the risk of splashing.

In addition to the general division, OHS specialists point out that the use of extinguishing agents should take into account the possible proximity of live equipment (sometimes even a separate type of electrical equipment fires is distinguished - E).

Fire extinguishing methods and firefighting agents must be selected in such a way as to prevent possible injury and starting a flame.

The correct choice of extinguishing agents can even make a difference in the lives of many people. Always choose only those that have the necessary certificates and meet quality standards. Familiarize yourself with the offer of the Distripark chemical warehouse. It is a guarantee of attractive prices and the highest standards of customer service.

Any fire, regardless of its type and scale, is a major threat. Fight it effectively!