SULFOROKAnol® D232P MB (Ethoxylated Sodium Decyl Sulfate)

SULFOROKAnol® D232P MB  (Ethoxylated Sodium Decyl Sulfate)
About product

Product Name: SULFOROKAnol® D232P MB

SULFOROKAnol D232P MB is a natural-based anionic surfactant, offered as a 32% low viscosity aqueous solution. It creates high and stable foams, even in hard water, and has a low tendency to gel in electrolyte solutions. This product is RSPO certified, ensuring sustainable production. It is primarily used as an air-entraining agent in the construction industry, for lightweight and durable materials and as a component in synthetic extinguishing media. SULFOROKAnol D232P MB is compatible with various surfact

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CAS Number
Chemical name
Sodium salt of ethoxylated and sulphated decyl alcohol