ROSULfan®C/PH (Sodium Coco Sulfate, SCS)

ROSULfan®C/PH   (Sodium Coco Sulfate, SCS)
About product

ROSULfan®C/PH is an anionic surfactant with excellent washing, cleaning, emulsifying, and wetting properties. It generates high and stable foams, making it ideal for use in shampoos, shower lotions, liquid soaps, and bath lotions. With its compatibility with other ingredients, it is effective in both alkaline and acidic pH conditions. This 100% natural, biodegradable product meets the criteria set by the Cosmetics and Detergent Directives and can be used in a wide

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Sodium Coco Sulfate, SCS
Chemical name
Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-18-alkyl esters, sodium salts. Aqueous solution